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Info-Event for the Master's Program Computational Social Systems

Dienstag, 29.03.2022

The English taught Master’s CSS takes an in-depth look at the new challenges and opportunities of digitalization. With the ongoing digitalization, the amount of data collected about us, our behavior and our society, that is being generated and stored, is increasing as well. Interdisciplinarity is an important feature of CSS.

We kindly invite all interested students to the info-event for the Master’s Program Computational Social Systems!

The Master’s Program is a cooperation between the University of Graz and the Technical University Graz. The Master’s Program CSS is aimed at students from the following fields of studies: Business Administration, Psychology, Sociology, Law or Computer Science.

Within the Master’s Program students can choose from 4 specializations: Business Analytics; Societies, Technologies and social Research; Human Factors und Law and Computer Science.

If the next questions intrigue and interest you, CSS is the right choice for you!

  • Who is liable for the damage that is caused by self-driving cars?
  • What can social-media posts after a terrorist attack tell us about our group behavior in exceptional situations?
  • How can new business models benefit from data-driven technologies?

More information about the study program can be found here.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Held by: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Thalmann and Univ.-Prof. Dr.sc.ETH David Garcia Becerra
Wednesday, March 30, 2022, 5.00 p.m., HS 15.14, RESOWI EE, Universitätsstraße 15, 8010 Graz and Online (uniMEET)
Info: Curricula Committee Computational Social Systems


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