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Educational Timetabling: Problems, Benchmarks, Algorithms, and Practical Issues

Donnerstag, 23.09.2021

Vortrag über "Educational Timetabling" (in englischer Sprache)

Title:  Educational Timetabling: Problems, Benchmarks, Algorithms, and Practical Issues

Speaker: Prof. Andrea Schaerf, University of Udine

Zeit & Ort: Donnerstag, 23.9.2021,  11:00 Uhr,  Seminarraum  SR 15.35
auch über unimeet.uni-graz.at/b/pfe-3mk-rjj

Educational timetabling problems consist in scheduling a sequence of events (lectures, seminars, or exams) involving teachers and students in a prefixed period of time, satisfying a set of constraints of various types.  
In this talk, we critically review different formulations, public datasets, and search methods.
In particular, we illustrate local search methods, their parameter tuning procedure, and their results.
Finally, we discuss practical issues involved in the actual solution of timetabling problems.

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